Personal essays
My third word for 2025 is about living through the present day
My second word for 2025 is about noticing the things you are able to accomplish
My first word for 2025 is about not responding right away
Take a look back before walking into the new year
Mostly, you don’t need to be first
Weight weight don’t tell me
On not being in such a rush to get there
When pointing is not enough
The food is not the hard part
In search of innovation
When there is no dog
Separating the bad and the good
Changing the rules at the last minute
Which battles to pay attention to
Take one consideration with another
On separating the art from the artist
Thoughts on not retiring
The art of noticing
You think that’s bad…
Passing the qualification tests
Waiting for a special delivery
A game of show not tell
Looking back to look forward
On defeating the Grinch
Necessary but perhaps not sufficient
No one seems to check anymore
When the landscape changes quickly
On slow deliberation and false steps
Looking at the rest of the year
Not laughing in the Purple Rain
At the ballpark with Uncle Shady
A pedelec for your mind
Making the next pot before you need it
Which opinions do we choose to listen to
A song reaches out and taps me on the shoulder
A conference talk is often about more than one thing
In the blink of an eye
In search of the right replacement part
How Big is a Dozen
Replacing Fear with Joy
How do we come back
When close enough isn’t close enough
Things you can depend on remaining where they are
Bird by Bird
When do you know enough
Don’t wait until it hurts
The thrill of defeat
When a tool transforms without us noticing
Kindness in the face of futility
Not ready to share this view of the world
The physics of chatting with someone
My third “word” for 2024
My second word for 2024
Lessons from a loss - no not that kind of loss
Maslow’s hierarchy of things to worry about
My first word for 2024 is about looking back to look forward
In a world where we can tap a button and find out
On noting abundance not scarcity
Lighting the darkness
Sourdough is life
Avoiding the discounts and hustle
Thoughts on Bayes’ Theorem
Recognizing differences
Include the little things
On learning to share the ultimate treat
Life lessons turn out to be everywhere
Getting more from your employees
Keeping track of the extra stuff we need
Marking time
Reflections on roses
Adjustments over time
They’re everywhere
Playing by the rules
Making time for your self
So easy to build a day around the things that annoy us
Thoughts while watching a baseball game
Her memory remains a blessing
Tuning in to the messages you should hear
What is it that these brand names describe
Coming up with things to worry about
Two decades of truthiness
Independence Day 2023
Burn and rave at close of day
Should you grab a pick and head for the hills
Remarks from my mom’s 90th birthday celebration
Progressive isolation
Getting rid of the body
Retracing the steps of others
Just the right amount of magic
On shaping the future by accepting little changes now
Security in an unsecure place
Playing what people want to hear
Once again contemplating getting things done
Forming relationships with my readers
Fond memories of ignorance
Launching a Podcast
Start with something nice
What do you present as your own
On fixing a faucet
Imagining the future
Skating to where you tell me
Rooting around the root cellar
Disappearing as I age
Facing a fear
The Lunar New Year
My third word for 2023
My second word for 2023
My first word for 2023
Looking for three words to begin the next chapter
A Christmas Story I’ve told before
Feeling your pain
Spinning yarns for you and me
But I really want to
What happened, happened
Something old in something new
Before you go to the stove
Experimenting with online and in-person encounters
More thoughts on the vote
On growing the magic pie
When name calling becomes the norm
What is it worth
Changes for the new year
The thing before the thing
It’s all be done
Big effects from small actions
Quitting quietly or otherwise
When the world catches up
You and other people
Marking anniversaries
Doing the work before it’s an emergency
On having Nothing to Report
The “not giving a —-“ Economy
On why I don’t answer calls for papers
Thoughts on Independence Day
Time to dig in
What’s the rush
Find one that’s just right
To every thing
The time we spend
If they’ll let you
Grow a pearl
On not having a choice
It’s not over til it’s over
As in speech - not beer
Rediscovering a love of music
Profit may not be the goal
Celebrating any day you want
Sometimes I need a little extra push
Making dough at home in your spare time
Being wary of things that are cheap and easy
What do they hear
Enjoying a simple day
Why we bother to do the right thing or nice things
When a question isn’t a question
Strength, Aggression and Competitiveness
Remember to ask, “says who?”
My third and final word for the year is “Today.”
What’s the purpose
My first word for 2022
Heading safely into the future
Looking back, what do you see
Driving with the windows up
Waiting in the wings
Tale of two puppies
Ten work rules
Don’t move on, move forward
Everybody says that
Where you are
The little local things
Breaking impasses
A lifetime together
What’s next
Now you don’t
On the eve of another birthday
Don’t let lyrics get in the way of the groove
Teaching more than what we know we need
On not turning on the television then looking for something to watch
A “no” beats no reply
Before death is final
Adjusting the headline
Action vs Aspiration
Let them know
What’s in a name
The art of plussing
Locating the middle
What we mean by “all”
The note behind the note
Making decisions
You’ve got a net
Endlessly scrolling
Part of the job
Noticing and Appreciating
Now what
Where’s the Beef
In search of a label
Thinking of others
There’s nothing wrong with most things we complain about - they’re just not for us
There are the things we do every day and there are the things that we are.
Mixing traditions
Drawing the line
Make the call
The voice in your head
A literal shot in the arm
Not enough time
Making pancakes
The part after forever
Someone else’s perspective
The wrong wish
My third word for 2021
My second word for 2021
My first word for 2021
Re-examining Resolutions
Reasonable expectations
Learning it’s not mine
Press send
Don’t press the magic button
Three quick stories and a quest
Thanksgiving 2020
Sometimes you run for the sidelines
Storytelling lessons for NaNo
It’s dying to get better
You and only you
You’ll remember what you did and didn’t do these next few weeks.
Dealing with a giant mess
On not using it
Making little adjustments
Seeing yourself in pictures that aren’t selfies
What do you mean it’s not the same river?
A Different Perspective
I named this blog “Keep Two Thoughts” based on the final paragraphs of the eulogy I delivered for Kim four years ago today at her funeral.
Seeing the Person
Doing what it takes to get there
The power of the written word
As we debate whether or not to send kids back to school, the CDC has updated its advice (reportedly, it was updated for them) in The Importance of Reopening America’s Schools this Fall.
Nothing is important
I flip a fair coin and it comes up heads. I flip it again and it comes up heads. I ask you to guess the result of the next flip.
You have to do a lot of difficult and boring work to create something worthwhile.
Giving good notes is not the same as giving instructions.
What a strange topic to begin with. But these are strange times.
Who you are.
Step back from the shiny object.
News from Apple’s Developer Conference
Are you doing the things you say are most important to you?
The answer may depend on the questioner - not just the question.
Can we imagine ourselves in other people’s shoes?
This week I was reminded of the roots of design patterns.
“Stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood”
Conferences from your couch
Why it’s important to remember to say “Thank You”
How do you decide whether or not to hire someone?
Doctor it hurts when I do this…
This morning a friend tweeted “What day is it?”
My internet provider is advertising a discount for new customers. They get three times the speed I’m getting for $3 more a month.
Welcome to the newsletter I forgot I had…